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Electric Eel Wheel Newsletter – February 2021

Electric Eel Wheel Newsletter by Dreaming Robots LLC

February 01, 2021

This past month I have been mostly focus on getting everything in place so I can start shipping the EEW 6.0 eSpinners out as soon as possible.  More about this below.  Other than that I’ve been making good progress on the Yarn Counter and Cone Winder projects.  While I am planning to work on the CSM (circular sock knitting machine) in the future it isn’t a priority right now and I won’t be making progress for awhile.  I will update you all when I start working on it again, but I just have too many projects that are being working on so one had to get put on the back burner and it is the CSM.  Sorry for those of you who had that as the project as your most anticipated, but I didn’t want to leave you all in a limbo where you didn’t know what was happening with it.  Hopefully it won’t be too long before I have time get back to working on the CSM.

EEW 6.0 Update

Previously I had been estimating the EEW 6.0 would be available in March on my store.  This past month I pushed that back to April due to some logistic delays caused by Covid19.  The good news is that assemble of the EEW 6.0 has finished and I now have a plan to get them shipped to my warehouse in Massachusetts where I’ll do final testing and shipping.  So overall the EEW 6.0 is making great progress and if you missed the pre-order campaign on Kickstarter you will be able to start placing orders on my store in April.  I have a high level of confidence there will be more than enough EEW 6.0s available since I ordered a bunch extra for this first batch so there is no need to worry about me running out of stock.

If you want to learn more I have started putting together this page about the EEW 6.0, and will continue adding more information and videos.  I am super happy with that page so far.  I’m now confident that the EEW 6.0 won’t just be the best eSpinner in it’s class, but it will also have the best documentation both for new spinners and those wanting to look at some of the more advanced techniques like supercoils.

EEW Cone Winder

In this video, I discuss the new improvements to the cone winder and then show how it works with yarn skeins on a swift. (Spoiler – It works great with a swift.)

Happy spinning!

– Maurice Ribble
(Inventor of the Electric Eel Wheel)
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